Triple Adsense Income in 3 Steps

Google Adsense: You know what it is. Now I am going to show you the best money making quick secrets to double triple your online Adsense income. Yes it’s true, although there is no quick method of get rich, but there are quick solutions on doubling your Adsense income just in a few seconds.
If you are beginners in “Online money making” field and also newbie to Google Adsense, You probably heard about many peoples making lots of dollars with Google Adsense. If you are in little confusion why they are earning so much and you are not, don’t worry. The tips to improve your Adsense income I am going to show you will help you a lot.
Developing a website and putting Google Adsense ads on it is not enough to earn money online. Regular research and analysis is needed on your Adsense income to observe you each day click through rate, numbers of page impression and revenue earned per click.
I have read much about best Adsense ad placement and it’s color palate, but till today no one helped me to improve my Adsense income. Then I started to research my self. I started keep changing ad placements, and its colors after each week to get the best solution.
Results are amazing. My Adsense income has increased up to three times.  I choose three Ad units and one link unit as shown below.
First ad I choose is image ad of 728×90 px. Put on the top of page, in center just below the main header.
Secondly I choose two text ads of 300×250 px blocks and merge them with the content of the page. They are working best for me as they are highly related to content of the page. Section targeting of the Google Adsense worked best to get highly related ads on my page.
Third and the last quick step to increase my Adsense income is color format of the ads I put on my web pages. I tried to use color format to match with my web template theme, but could not get effective result. Then I tried Blue color for title and links of ads, and light black color for text and bottom web links. Now I know that, people are habited to except blue color as links. Click through rate of Google Adsense is increased much just by using blue and light black color format. 


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